Fiber Mill

MM Fiber Mill
Holiday Hours

Last day for your Christmas shopping

Dec 23rd 10am - 4pm

The mill is open

Mondays 10am - 4pm

Tuesdays 10am - 7pm

Wednesdays 10am - 7pm

Thursdays 10am - 7pm

Saturdays 11am - 4pm

Till Dec 23rd.

Shipping Address:
MM Fiber Mill
C/O  New Lancaster General Store
36688 New Lancaster Rd
LaCygne, KS 66040

Please Note:
On Google Maps this address will put you in a field to the south.  I've submitted the correction to Google, but do not know how long it will take for them to fix it.
For directions only Google Maps users should use:
36688 Parkhill Rd
LaCygne, KS 66040

We Bought a Fiber Mill!!

Penny and I recently purchased The Sheperds Mill and have rebranded it to the MM Fiber Mill.


The New Lancaster General Store, established in 1874 and on the National Register of Historic Places, is now the new home of the MM Fiber Mill.

It has been the meeting place of the Kansas Anti Horse Thief Association, a post office, creamery, telephone office, wine tasting room, gathering place for the community and a place for farmers to bring in their produce.

We hope to continue making history in this fabulous location by producing exquisite yarns made from Alpaca to Yak.

We will be moving and setting up the equipment starting early January 2022.

We anticipate being operational in January.

We hope to have scheduling information available around May 1st of 2022.


For the fiber producers:

We will send an additional email soon with information on scheduling your fiber for processing.

We will also update our website and Facebook page.
